Team Members

Head of the Group

Prof. Dr. Ronald Redmer

Email: ronald.redmer(at)
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6910

Brief Curriculum Vitae

  • 1982 Diploma, University of Rostock
  • 1986 Doctorate (Theor. Physics), University of Rostock
  • 1991 Habilitation (Theor. Physics), University of Rostock
  • 1992-1993 Lynen-Fellow at the Oregon State University in Corvallis/USA
  • 1993-2003 Professorship for Dense Plasmas (C3), University of Rostock
  • since 2003 Professorship for Statistical Physics (C4), University of Rostock
  • various elective positions (Institute Spokesman, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Prorector) at the University of Rostock
  • 2012 APS Fellow, Division of Plasma Physics


Peggy Preuss

Email: peggy.preuss(at)
Room No. 147
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6911



Dr. Martin Preising

Email: martin.preising(at)
Room No. 145
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6919


Dr. Moyassar Meshhal

Email: moyassar.meshhal(at)
Room No. 144
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6914


Dr. Armin Bergermann

Email: armin.bergermann(at)
Room No. 145
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6919


PhD Students

Uwe Kleinschmidt

Email: uwe.kleinschmidt(at)
Room No. 151
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6917


Argha Roy

Email: argha.roy(at)
Room No. 151
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6917


Kilian Abraham

Email: kilian.abraham(at)
Room 150
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6916

Associated Members

Khachiwan Buakor

Email: khachiwan.buakor(at)
High Energy Density Scientific Instrument Group, European XFEL, Schenefeld
Building No. 711
Room No. 1.15
Tel: +49 (0) 40 899 867 26



Prof. em. Wolf-Dietrich Kraeft

Email: wolf-dietrich.kraeft(at)
Room No. 142
Tel: +49 (0) 381 498-6949

Publications by Wolf-Dietrich Kraeft

Group Pictures










Dr. Anna Julia Poser
M.Sc. Clemens Kellermann
PD Dr. habil. Thomas Bornath
Dr. habil. Martin French
Dr. Maximilian Schörner
Dr. Olesya Yakovchuk
Dr. Jan Maik Wissing
Dr. Ludwig Scheibe
M.Sc. Lisa Zinta
Dr. Sandeep Kumar
Dr. Mandy Bethkenhagen
Dr. Nadine Nettelmann
Dr. Manuel Schöttler
Dr. Bastian Witte
M.Sc. Tim-Niklas Beuermann
M.Sc. Jean-Alexander Korell
M.Sc. Alexander Rinke
M.Sc. Daniel Cebulla
Dr. Richard Bredow
Dr. Kai-Uwe Plagemann
Dr. Mohammed Shihab
Dr. Andreas Becker
Dr. Robert Püstow
M.Sc. Christoph Cordes
Dr. Yong Hou
M.Sc. Hannes Rüter
Dr. Philipp Sperling
Dipl.-Phys. Georg Wittig
Dipl.-Phys. Robin Schmidt
Dipl.-Phys. Kai Jakob Brunner
Dipl.-Phys. Ulrike Kramm
Dr. Winfried Lorenzen
Dipl.-Phys. Christoph Trötschler
Dr. Bastian Holst
Dr. Robert Thiele
Dr. Jörg Köhn
Dr. André Kietzmann
Dr. Arne Höll
Dipl.-Phys. Michael Brüdgam
Dr. Angelika Kuligk
Dr. Hauke Juranek
Dipl.-Phys. Volker Schwarz
Dr. Sandra Kuhlbrodt
Dr. Niels Fitzer
Dr. Martin Reigrotzki
Dr. Stefan Nagel
Dr. Michael Stobbe